Úrnua - Carl Hession, Francis Cunningham and Eimear Coughlan
$ 19.00
Urnua -
Carl Hession, piano Eimear Coughlan, harp Francis Cunningham, concertina
released June 6, 2019
Guest Musicians:
Bogden Sofei: Violin
Jim Higgins: Percussion
Sharon Howley: Cello
Bogden Sofei: Violin
Jim Higgins: Percussion
Sharon Howley: Cello
Carl Hession is from Galway, where the Hession family home in Salthill was a well known session venue. Carl's interest in classical piano playing developed alongside his attraction to traditional music and he later studied at University College Cork, where he was awarded a B.Mus. Degree. He continued his involvement with traditional music working with well known ceili band "The Shaskeen" and with Galway flute player Frankie Gavin.
Notation for all 40 tunes is available in the book "The Tunes of Carl Hession"
- Sporting Galway / The White Plains / Threadneedle
- The Flying Magpies / A Roll Of The Dice /Just Another Dilemma
- The Granddaughter’s Dream
- Cullivan From Cavan / The Catskill Pines / Knefsky Prospect
- Trip To Letterkenny / Morning Gallop
- Links By The Bay / Salthill Prom
- The Aran Cruiser / A Trip To The Village /The Drinker And The Whiskey
- Blackrock Tower / Claddagh Basin / The Eyre Square Buzz
- Celtic Storm
- The Rambles Of Mike / The Laughing Spoons
- Down The Hill To Carlow / Jackie The Adopted
- Myles The Man / Greg The Great / The Corrib Suite Crew
- Minuet / Sprightly Spring
- Tim The Gardener / The Final Round
- The Ballybrit Dip / Up And Over
- Farewell To Jim / That’s More Of It
- Inishbofin
- Micky Ward’s / Portland McCann’s