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I am a fiddle player with an accordion habit. I’ve been playing Irish Traditional Music since I was a kid in rural New Hampshire, at a time when quality materials were not yet a Google search and hefty shipping fee away. That’s what drew me to Ossian - for me, Ossian was *the* reliable source of recordings and tune books. Now, I hope to carry that mission forward and to continue to provide people with great Irish music.
Many of you know Mary Lou and Charlie built Ossian USA after that 18-wheeler loaded with Irish music drove up their dead-end dirt road nearly 30 years ago. Their support of musicians, promotion of the music, and hospitality to listeners has been a legendary part of Irish music in America. They literally opened their home to us all! And the Ossian USA store has been a boon to musicians and appreciators of Irish music not just in New Hampshire, or America, but around the world.
A huge thanks to Mary Lou for trusting me to carry the torch, and for her confidence and encouragement through the transition.
I believe that Ossian has just as much of a role today as it did in 1993, although the particular challenges of buying Irish music have evolved. Great Irish musicians’ works are scattered across various platforms that bury Irish music among other genres with names like “industrial” or “experimental noise”. Those artists will have a home and promoter in Ossian.
Thank you all for your support, and a heartfelt ‘thank you’ again to Mary Lou and Charlie.
- Ruarri